Jun 9, 2014

Art Contest for Creative Kids May 2014 Winners!

Thank you everyone for participating! You artworks and efforts were fantastic and very much appreciated by our judges. Of these, we struggled to choose the three artworks that best represented the topic "The Value of Expression" clearly and creatively, but we are now ready to announce our winners!

First Place:
Monica Myers (12) from Colorado Springs

From her writing about the artwork:
The value of expression is all about being who you are. It is very important to express how you feel so that you don't pretend to be somebody you are not. When you are yourself, people can like you for who you really are. You can express who you are and how you feel by the type of clothes you wear, by the way you style your hair, by playing music, writing, or singing. You can even express yourself through your artwork. That is what I did. I was feeling very happy when I made my piece, so I used my hand to represent me and lots of color to represent the happiness I was feeling. To me, the value of expression is being yourself no matter what.

2nd Place:
Erica Lim (12) from Oradell

From her writing about the artwork:
“The Value Of Expression” means to be able to express ourselves so I can be the best “me” that I can be. I have met many kinds’ people in the world. Every one of them is different in some ways, but same in others. We learn from others likes and dislikes. For an example take your best friend. You most likely learned a lot from her/him picked up his/her habits neither bad and good, but you both are not the same but at the same time alike. That is why the value of expression is so important, we learn from each person’s uniqueness. My drawing shows the importance of showing your individuality, because one way or another it helps everyone and contributes to society as a whole.

3rd Place:
Kayla Samuel (12) from Oradell

From her writing about her work:
Expression is what makes us ourselves and not your neighbor, your sister, brother, or friend. I thought about the world without expression and saw a brown arid place with tumbleweeds rolling around, a place that had been deserted, chewed up and spit out. Then I thought of  our world now the one with expression. What makes your best friend your best friend? It is their expression that makes them themselves and not the person who pushes past you in the hallway. So if we all didn't have expression we would all just be robots. So I made the kids wanting their expressions back.

                I Made the greedy King steal all the expression because it is the most valuable thing in the world. The children are all sad that they no longer have their expression. Expression is so valuable and if you take it away everybody will become robots.

The artworks and writing were judged not heavily on the composition and visual appearance, but more on the creativity and depth of idea. No names, age, gender, race, addresses were revealed during or after the judging process to prevent any bias. Votes considered unfair were removed.

Thank you all for your time and interest! Winners will receive the following prizes:
1st Place: iPad Mini
2nd Place: $75 Barnes & Noble's Gift Card
3rd Place: $50 Barnes & Noble's Gift Card

Please check our blog for the next contest in Spring 2015!

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